I have now been married longer than I've not been married. What a concept. Yesterday was our 21st wedding anniversary, and in some ways I can't believe it's been that long. Yet in other ways...it's been a LONG ride already. I stand in amazement that we are still together, considering some of the awful things that have happened to us in these past 21 years. I once sat down and listed all the bad things that we have been through (that I could think of), which could possibly destroy even a good marriage. I came up with more than 150 separate events - some of which were part of a larger mess - but nevertheless each separate even could have been enough to break us apart. A couple of times, we almost didn't survive...but here we are...21 years later and still together.
We had a good day together yesterday...went out for a long, quiet breakfast after the kids went to school...although our plans didn't start out that way! We were planning on going to a school board candidate forum that was being held at an elementary school here in town, but it is quite a way from where we live, and we got lost trying to find it. Ended up in a completely different town! So we gave up, considering we were 15 minutes late by the time we reached Battlefield...so that's when we decided to go for breakfast before heading back home. It was a nice time...we had decent food, and good conversation. Talked alot about upcoming plans for Charlie...which was good. He needed to voice his thoughts and start putting things together now.
We went to church last night, which as always consists of supper, chime choir rehearsal (for Joyce), choir rehearsal (for me), the Wed. evening Bible study (for Charlie), Prims (for Rae), Stars (for Joyce) and youth group (for Jonathan). If that sounds like a lot of stuff...it is. Oh and I forgot handbell choir rehearsal (for me) after the other choir rehearsal!
It gets hectic at times, and we don't get home before 9:30 - ever. It makes it hard on the girls to get up the next morning, but it's one night a week, so I don't fuss too bad about it. I grew up this way...having lots of stuff to do at church, so it's natural for me to just deal with it. Charlie was not as involved in things at church, and it took a long time for him to realize that I like being busy within the church...and that this is how it will be!!!!
Well, I have things to get done around the house today...have an appointment this afternoon with someone coming to the house, so I better get the living room picked up:-) I also have a cake to make and decorate for a dinner tonight...and that will take the better part of today to work on. So...I'm outta here for now!!
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